Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving Antics

So most bloggers have put up their Thanksgiving recaps and I have not.

Well today I am going to stop procrastinating be fashionably late and show you what fun was had by my family on Thanksgiving.

We celebrate every year in Cashiers, NC where my mother-in-law lives.

Cashiers is in the western part of North Carolina and is very beautiful if you like mountains (read: curvy roads that make you sick).

I will just show you a couple of highlights of our meal (both organic turkey and tofurky were served).

The table was set

Owen and his Uncle Kent

My mother-in-law Anita

My husband Kyle getting things ready

Uncle Kent and Aunt Ashley waiting to eat

The fun didn't stop with our meal.  I hear my husband yell "Hey come here" (he is outside).

I come outside and find this:

Apparently Owen has no fear of heights and just got up there with the men to clean out the gutters.

The trip would not have been complete without getting our traditional Christmas tree (which has to go up after Thanksgiving). 

We hit up the Fowler Tree farm and had a great time enjoying the VERY warm weather.

Not a functioning outhouse...just for looks


Of course we had some treats

Owen having maybe one too many cookies

Andrew with his "Nana."

We had a wonderful holiday and I hope that all of you did too.  

Do you have any traditions that you do at/after Thanksgiving?

Don't forget about entering my giveaway here for Mama Pea's book.  It is open until tomorrow (Wednesday November 30th).


  1. I am so jealous that you already have your tree!

  2. The table looks lovely, I love the large front deck on the house. My hubby refuses to get a tree until Dec 1st lol I am not entirely sure why. My family always gets together and I told my hubby that when Henry is old enough we should re-institute Thanksgiving "out to the movies" tradition. I used to do that as a teenager and I miss seeing movies on Thanksgiving night.

  3. looks like you had a pretty good Thanksgiving! and I love the idea of going to get a tree afterwards!

  4. Looks like a perfect holiday! I love family traditions (hopefully Owen won't want to get up on the roof every year, though :)).

  5. One too many cookies is my favorite amount of cookies! lol! Looks like you guys had a wonderful time!

  6. Hi Rachael! Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving holiday with us. As we don't have parents living in this country we always celebrate with friends otherwise it's too lonely for us. Looks like everyone had a great time and great feast! We won't be getting christmas tree this year as we will be on vacation most of December. Now I'm so envious that you have nice smell at your home. :-)

  7. Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! :) We always get a tree on the day after Thanksgiving. So much fun!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing your Thanksgiving with us! We don't have this celebration here, so it's lovely to see what you guys were up to.
    What beautiful Christmas trees! You must post some pics of your tree once it's decorated. We'll be buying our tree on the weekend after next. The choice is a locally grown, tall, spindly tree with hardly any needles (basically a twiggy tree) for £10, or a lush, green, beautiful (imported) tree for £40. Hmmm I wonder which one we'll go for ... ;)
