Monday, January 7, 2019

Weekend Decluttering

I mentioned in my last post that my family, and I, were watching the Marie Kondo series on Netflix "Tidying up with Marie Kondo."

Watching the variety of families transform their spaces into neat and tidy places that feel like home really inspired us.  So on Saturday we embarked on a mission to tidy up our family room space (still lots of work to be done there...but we started) and my husband's closet.

My husband would often tell me, when I would mention decluttering his closet, that he:

"didn't have that many clothes"
"had space so why clean things out"
"not sure if he will need some of the items later"

Well to work on the project together I told him I would help and pull everything out for oh man was he surprised when he saw the amount of clothing he had tucked away.

This is about half of what I pulled out

He quickly went through the process of seeing which clothes sparked joy and amazingly he only kept about a quarter of his items.  I helped him refold everything and now his drawers are nice and neat (I should have taken a picture but I forgot).  

He mentioned that his closet feels lighter now that he removed the items that no longer serve a purpose for him.  He can see the things that he enjoys and wants to wear and can select them with ease.

The second decluttering task I took on this weekend was to sort through a box of pictures that I had (probably 1000 pictures were in this box):

I had pictures that spanned over a 25 year period, from high school trips to Europe, my wedding, snow days, to birthday parties for my kids.  It was wonderful to go through these and keep the ones that brought us joy and then as a bonus those pictures that I thought my friends and family might like I pulled out and mailed them off to them.

So be on the lookout my friends for a card coming your way!

It was fun to think back to all of the good times and to look at how people have changed over the years.  I thought this might be really tough, and that I might not want to let many pictures go, but I realized that keeping the ones I enjoyed the  most and store them in a picture book would allow me to enjoy them more often.

Do you have any areas in your home that you could go through and declutter?  What spot do you think needs it the most?


  1. So now I don't know whether to hope any photos that might have included me sparked joy or if you will send them to me!
